Flags of Bosnia & Herzegovina Under the Ottoman Empire

Flag of Western Herzegovina

Western Herzegovina

The flag above was used in the Ottoman Province of Western Herzegovina by Bosnak warlords. It was also used by Bosnian troops during the second Siege of Hotin. The flag is swallow-tailed, with a green field with a white crescent and star pointing toward the hoist.


  1. Proportions:
    • 1:2
  2. Date of Use:
    • Circa 1760

Flag of the Bosnian Revolt

Bosnian Revolt

The flag of the Bosnian Revolt by Husein Gradaščević in the 1830s to get autonomy from the Ottoman Empire is attributed to be the one shown above.


  1. Proportions:
    • 1:2
  2. Date of Use:
    • 1831

Flag of Bosnia

Independent Bosnia

Bosnia existed briefly as an independent nation after the Congress of Berlin before it was occupied by the Austro-Hungarian empire and later annexed. Their flag is very similar to that of Husein Gradaščević.


  1. Proportions:
    • 5:9
  2. Date of Use:
    • 1878


Wikipedia - List of Flags of Bosnia & Herzegovina
NATO - Flags of Bosnia